Join us
The aims of NARA are to improve the physical environment of the area, promote a sense of community wellbeing, represent the interests of the community to local councils, businesses and agencies, and to protect the area from inappropriate development. We will inform and communicate with residents to achieve these aims.
Membership is open to any individual living in the NARA area who is over the age of 18. Members accept the Constitution of the Association. All individual members are entitled to vote; each member has one vote and the Chair has the casting vote.
Membership costs £4 for individuals or £6 per household, payable annually. Funds may also be raised for Association business and special projects through fundraising events, donations or voluntary contributions from members. Any monies paid to, or raised on behalf of, the Association shall only be spent in achieving the objectives of the Association and for no other purpose. No payment or other benefit shall be made to members of the Association.
Register as a NARA member
If you would like to become a member of the Naunton Area Residents Association (NARA):
- Download and complete a NARA Membership Form with your details and your membership option and email it to
- To complete your membership payment (single occupant membership fee is £4 per annum; multiple occupant/household membership is £6 per annum), fill in the Standing Order section of the form to set up an annual payment. You will need to set this payment up either through your bank branch or your online/mobile banking facility. Please ensure the first line of your address is added as the reference on the Standing Order payment.
- Once payment is received, you will receive confirmation of your NARA membership.